Monday, April 19, 2010

Looking back

Making memories, or the years of joy and laughter reminiscing in them... I'm pretty foreign to this whole blogging thing, but there is a memory that keeps coming to my mind and I would like to try and replay it for all the rest of the world. Walking to my class at the North Instructional Building at Dixie State College, I approached a two teired set of stairs. At the top of those stairs appeared in my sight a beautiful young lady. If others had been around the two of us, I was unaware of their presence. I began up the stairs one foot after the other, half way up with this girl on mind; I had to dodge the puddle on the right side, which the sprinklers always seem to leave. Obviously I went the long way around, making sure not to confront the beauty that had just began her decent. The temptation to look at her a second time overcame me. And our eyes met, without hesitation I redirected my line of vision. I immediately knew that this girl was of no insignificance. She was beautiful, she was vibrant, and she seemed so out of my league. If only I was the caliber of man that could attract such a fair maiden. A few seconds later my day dreaming came to an end, and I went on my way. However this girl, this woman had done something to me. What it was I will never know. Whatever her bait, it worked I was hooked. To think anything would come from this ultimately pleasing experience, some say would be foolish, for what even was her name. Not only did she do something to me, she also took part of me. This small part and the rest of all I have was fully invested in her and our eternity on February 12th, 2010... I don't think that experience could ever fully be relived. However, the thoughts and feelings that took place will never be forgotten.

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