Saturday, April 2, 2011

bangkok nightlife

The nightclub area was several streets away from our motel. As I was walking on the street, several taxis stopped and offered me a ride to one of their favorite clubs where all the sex was available. I told the taxi drivers that I was not interested and that I would find my own way. As I got to the neighborhood where all the nightclubs were, women totally naked stood inside the front doors of the nightclubs and invited you to come in. Most of the nightclubs had American names. I went into one of them and very good looking naked Thai women were dancing on the customers' tables. Most of the customers inside the club were Westerners. As I looked at those girls dancing I felt kind of sorry for them, as I know the things they were doing was only for the money. In any Asian country you visit it isn't the custom of a woman to show her naked body in front of people, it's a disgrace in her culture. This was something influenced by the Western society.

As I was walking through the neighborhood, it seems everybody is trying to get your money. I was told which massage parlor to go to with prices and names. When it comes to sex and everything that goes with it, there is plenty of it in this city.

Lu Lu was very happy when I came home that night. She said that she worried about me being on the street that late all by myself. I have heard so much about it that Bangkok had such a fascinating night life, but what I saw was disappointing.

bangkok nightlife
bangkok nightlife
bangkok nightlife
bangkok nightlife
bangkok nightlife
bangkok nightlife
bangkok nightlife
bangkok nightlife

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