Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's Been Awhile

I love following blogs and I get mad when people dont update theirs so I can have some good reading material. . . but then, I dont update mine that often lately either. So, while I have nothing TOO exciting to report, this can just serve as an update. I am really thankful for the opportunity I have to blog. Blogging, at first sounded to me like yet ANOTHER social media network that would slowly fizz out, but I realize that even if no one else blogged, I think I still would because its like a journal and I know I dont put in time to physically write in a journal, so this is a great tool. Also, its a way to connect with family who live far away and we arent able to see as often as we would like. This past week was my birthday and I was spoiled by my hubby. He has known for a long time how much I wanted a camera to start taking more professional pictures as well as to develop my film making skills and he surprised me with the camera I've had my eye on for a long time.

This is my Canon Rebel T2i

I am estatic! I was so shocked and so happy he had worked so hard to get me one. He is such an amazing husband. I am so lucky to have him. (And not just becasue he buys me stuff, because he supports my hopes and dreams!)

Gav is happy that school will be out for the summer soon. He has been working so hard and I know that those classes he is taking are not easy. Not only is he working hard in school, he is helping my family with the building of their new house. For the last 5 years, my mom has been working really hard at developing the land she bought in Kaysville and selling it so she and my dad could have their dream home. 5 long, hard years later, they finally finished! She is holding an open house for two weeks, then they close and are free to move in. I was talking to my dad yesterday while we were sitting in the new living room and I told him how it finally feels like home. Like we've been away from home for a long trip and we are finally where we are supposed to be. I wonder if thats what it will be like when we go to heaven. The feeling that we are FINALLY home. Like you didnt realize how much you missed it until you were back to where it feels right.

I am so proud of my mom. She is such an example to me. I hope I can be as amazing to my kids as a mom as she is to me. She is so dedicated, so creative, so talented, caring, goofy and loving all at once. I have learned so much from her and look forward to learning MUCH MUCH more. I hope my siblings see how amazing she is and take advantage of learning from her every chance they have because when you move away and are starting your own little life and family, you appreciate what your parents do for you so much more.

My friend, Makenzie Koehler, is getting married soon and I couldnt be happier for her. She asked me to be her Matron of Honor. I was thrilled and so honored she would pick me. Thank you Mak! Mike is a lucky, lucky man. :)

That's all for today folks!


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